Archive | January, 2012

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! [EAT. DRINK. CRAVE.]

29 Jan

Well, where do I start?! Deron and I have been slacking with the blog posts. But, we’re back and ready to blog more frequently. And to kick-off a new blogging commitment, I’m going to give you a little insight into our night out in Downtown Akron at Crave with friends.

Last Friday, we were invited to dinner with our amazing friends Kat & Tim. It was Kat’s birthday yesterday (Happy 25th!) and we were celebrating early because they are in CALI for Kat’s birthday. (Lucky Ducks!) We also got to the spend the event with Morgan, Erin & Jason. Somehow Tim scored the “Chef’s Table” at Crave which is located inside the kitchen. What an experience! Deron and I were extremely excited because we knew that it would be great to post about Crave and having the opportunity to sit in the kitchen.

We have all been to Crave before but never sat in the kitchen so all acted like kids in a candy store. The booth inside the kitchen (which is half a circular booth) seats about 10 people. We only had 7, so it was very comfortable.

Looking into the Kitchen from the booth!

Kat, Tim & Morgan had arrived before the rest of us and ordered drinks. Kat tried the Red Ruby Martini, Tim had the bartender make him a “manly” Martini and Morgan started off with  Pear Tini. When Deron and I arrived, I knew what I wanted and so did he. I had a Dirty Martini Up with Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives and Deron enjoyed Jack & Coke. My Martini was amazing…to say the least! 🙂 Erin tried a glass of Champagne and said it was delicious as well!

Vodka Martini with Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives

Jack & Coke

Jack & Coke

Now, onto our food. I decided that I wanted to have some appetizers as my meal. And everyone else decided to order a little something before their meal came. Tim & Morgan tried the House Wedge Salad. Kat had the Crave Side Salad. Erin had a side salad with duck. She thought the salad was great but it was her first time trying duck and wasn’t a huge fan. I was getting the Crab Cakes & Fried Green Tomatoes for dinner so they brought the Crab Cakes out first. We all were enjoying our food when we saw this server walk by with a bowl of these delicious looking fries. So, we happened to ask the waitress what they were. They were Sweet Potato fries. Kat & Tim decided they  had to have some. Next thing you know, they were at our table. They were the best Sweet Potato fries I have ever had and were served with a Cinnamon Butter. They didn’t last long. 🙂

Crab Cakes

Sweet Potato

Wedge Salad

The rest of our food finally came. Tim ordered the Scallops, which he let me try. I can honestly say they are the best scallops I’ve ever had. And Tim agreed that they were good. Kat tried the Blackened Mahi Mahi Tacos. Morgan had the Vegetarian Lasagna. Deron tried the Crave BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich. Erin had the Mahi Mahi Tacos as well and Jason tried the burger that was a special. I got the Fried Green Tomatoes as my entree. We all enjoyed our food.


Blackened Mahi Mahi Tacos


Crave BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich


Fried Green Tomatoes

Lastly, we decided we needed to order dessert. Morgan & I went for the Root Beer Float with a shot of Whipped Cream Vodka. Kat ordered Chocolate Cake and Jason ordered the Chocolate Brownie with Peanut Butter & Ice Cream. We passed the desserts around. They were all so delicious.

Root Beer Float with a shot of Whipped Cream Vodka

Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie with Ice Cream

After all that food, I’m not sure how we all got out of booth. Haha! But, we all enjoyed everything we got. The portion size and prices fit hand and hand. The opportunity to sit in the booth in the kitchen was amazing. It’s definitely a place to sit for special occasions. Because everyone tried different things, it was nice to sample some items I may not ordered on my own. We all had a great night out, too! Stayed tuned for our next post as the group goes to dinner this Friday at The Office in Akron. It’s a post that you’re not going to want to miss, I just know it.

Until then, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!”

Christmas Tradition

29 Jan

I LOVE the holidays. Christmas is a favorite food holiday of mine. I love traditions and that is always what Christmas has been. For many years, my mom has made Christmas Cut-Outs that was my great-grandma’s recipe. One day before Christmas my mom, brother and myself bake & decorate cookies, all 12+ dozen. (Let’s be honest, my brother ONLY decorates and usually it’s less than 5. BUT at least he helps.) And for the last 2 years, Deron has joined us for decorating as well.

This is a recipe I can’t share…it’s a family secret. Well, we like to think it’s a secret! 🙂 But this year, it was fun to use old and new cookie cutters to make cookies. And the decorating was enjoyable as well. This tradition will never end. It just wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t bake & decorate. Not only did we have these cookies for Christmas but my mom proceeded to bake for the next two days. She completed a total of 7 other cookies/desserts as well. She was a baking machine.

For Christmas Eve, my family went to my Aunt & Uncle’s in Wooster. It was a festive time with a lot of great good. I made Oven Crisp Chicken Wings. Mom made Pizza Dip and Cheddar Bacon Pinwheels. On Christmas Day, I opened presents with my family. Went to Deron’s to open presents and eat. We had a delicious meal. And then back to my parents for dinner. All-in-all I ate WAY to much from Saturday-Monday. I need to detox.

Don’t forget — make a comment on any of our posts and you’ll be entered into our drawing. Winner(s) will be chosen/announced on February 13th! 🙂

What are some holiday favorites/traditions that you enjoy with your family?

Thanksgiving Dishes

29 Jan

As Thanksgiving & Christmas passed so quickly, I haven’t had much time to keep up with the blog post writing. Thanksgiving was filled with amazing food and some of it which I made or helped to make. It’s always been one of my favorite holidays. Because for me, it means the best food on the table & the most wonderful people around.

The first recipe I made was Mini Pumpkin Bites. I was a little scared to try this out for Thanksgiving since it was the first time making it. But they turned out quite delicious. And they are extremely simple to make, for the most part!

I used pre-made pie crust. Cutting out small circles to put inside a small muffin pan. I even added the stems to the top of the “pumpkins.”

Next, I mixed together the filling. Once that was ready I poured it into the muffin tin. And all that’s left to do is bake them. They came out pretty good.


Here are some photos of the appetizers we served at Thanksgiving!




I follow Lauren Conrad’s Blog pretty religiously. So, this year I decided to make the drink she had posted before Thanksgiving, called Pilgrim Punch. It was VERY good & a big hit! Simple to make and easily adjustable for other ingredients if you don’t have exactly what it calls for!

Enjoy what we had for Thanksgiving Dinner below. 🙂